当人们想到抵押贷款时,他们通常会想到30年期抵押贷款. 尽管30年期的抵押贷款在购房者中是最常见的, 在买房的过程中有很多选择要考虑. One of these options is a 20-year mortgage; a 20-year mortgage often has a slightly lower interest rate and is paid off over a shorter amount of time. 下面有四个原因,20年的抵押贷款可能是你的正确选择.

1. Save on interest.

20年期的抵押贷款有两种主要方式可以节省利息. 首先,20年期利率普遍低于30年期利率 .20-.4月* 40%. Even if your rate is the same, 只要缩短贷款期限,20年的贷款就可以为你节省数千美元的利息. 这是因为你的贷款产生利息的时间会更短.

2. Pay off the loan and build equity faster.

20年期贷款的另一个可观的好处是更快地积累股本. Since your monthly payments will be slightly higher, your loan will be paid off over a shorter time period, and the equity in your home will build faster. You can then use that equity to open a HELOC and use that earned equity on home renovations and more! 你也可以停止支付房屋付款,并提前十年拥有房屋的全部所有权.

If you are looking to refinance, 20年的抵押贷款可以帮助你保持在还款目标的轨道上, so you don’t lose any progress you’ve already made. Sometimes when you refinance and keep a 30-year loan, 你可以每月存钱,但最终支付更多的利息. 再融资30年也会延长你原来的还款日期, 选择20年期贷款可以帮助你在30年期贷款到期的同时还清贷款. Depending on how much of your loan you’ve already paid, 你甚至可以摆脱私人抵押贷款保险(PMI)的支付.

3. Affordable payments.

With a 20-year mortgage, payments are only slightly larger than a 30-year mortgage, but still affordable. Calculate your payment or use our quick mortgage quote to compare the payments of a 20 and 30 year mortgage. 如果你是再融资,还款有时会更低,或者和你以前的贷款差不多.If you find you have the extra money in your budget, 你可以支付额外的款项,甚至可以更快地还清贷款.

4. Consistent payments.

因为Arbor金融信用合作社提供固定利率的20年期抵押贷款选择, 你确切地知道你每个月要为你的贷款付多少钱, 给你一致的付款和更容易的预算. 在计算预算时,不要忘记考虑财产税和房主保险.

这只是为什么20年期抵押贷款可能最适合你的财务状况的四个原因, but there are many more! 如果您想了解更多关于Arbor Financial的20年期抵押贷款产品以及它如何帮助您, talk to one of our talented mortgage specialists today!

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* 费率由您的信用评分和承保因素在申请时决定. Subject to credit approval. 计划、价格、条款和条件如有更改,恕不另行通知. Other restrictions may apply. For full details, 点击这里.


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